Madina Community
We Support Communities to Reach Their Full Potential
What We Do
— We Serve
— We Educate
— We Empower
— We Dialogue
What We Care For!

Charitable Service

Madina Community provides education on topics related to general Islamic knowledge, as well as information related to American public interest. We provide this information by presenting seminars, slideshows, study groups at religious institutes, schools, libraries and other public venues. We conducted seminars on Islamic History at Naperville Public Library, Muslims Big Talk at Mecca Center to provide opportunities to discuss issues related to marginalized segments in the Muslim communities.

Ambassador Program

Distribution to Other Organizations and Individuals
We do not fundraise for any specific organization and Madina Community is not organized solely to contribute or fundraise for any specific entity. Our charitable giving has been a collaborative effort with other organizations, where we the work has been divided with partner organizations. Madina Community has done the program planning; organization, funds collection, volunteer mobilization, procurement and assembly, while others have offered the workspace, and a third took care of most of the distribution.

Programs for Volunteers
At times, per the discretion of the Board of Directors, we provide internships or volunteer positions which provide opportunities for involvement in outreach activities and programs in order to have a greater impact for change. One of the activities that volunteers may be involved in is basic education on topics such as understanding Islam and Muslims. Other are in the area of charitable giving such as Hunger Prevention, in partnership with dedicated relief organizations, or helping refugees where language barriers may be a hurdle in their settlement, acclimation and going about within the American life. Such activities shall always be free of charge to participants and will not include compensation to the volunteers.

It is our goal to bring awareness from every medium possible and this does not exclude documentaries and photos of our activities, projects, and programs. By documenting and reporting our efforts we intend to broaden our outreach. These multimedia features will be recorded by our volunteers during the aforementioned activities and will be available to the public. See our Facebook page.

Youth Empowerment
As part of our mission in defining and contributing towards building America’s future society, we help establish and manage scouting programs at a number of community centers that do not have the expertise and resources to do so. We conduct this through a one of our child organizations, the American Youth Movement (AYM), DBA Midwest Islamic Scouting Council (MISC). AYM/MISC which is a Madina Community organization dedicated to strengthening and connecting American communities by empowering youth through scouting. We use our expertise, network and resources to restore build the adult leadership, develop the program, transfer the knowledge to help the communities operate the program. We charter the units with the Scouts BSA and facilitate for communities to join the program by subscribing with us through MISC. In this partnership, we provide the resources and expertise, whereas the partner provides the facility, promotion of the program, and opportunities for community members to learn and acquire scouting program operational skills.